How to Begin with Lasers from!

How to Begin with Lasers from!
Take a look at the video David Henry of Learn Stage Lighting made to introduce lasers to beginners! Featuring safety and legal compliance, an explanation of how to use the laser, and a demonstration. Curious? Click the link below to watch his video. Other useful links: LearnStageLighting YouTube:

District N9NE cranks up the lighting to 10 with X-Laser fixtures

District N9NE cranks up the lighting to 10 with X-Laser fixtures
PHILADELPHIA – Club goers and club owners know that a nightclub’s success largely depends on the atmosphere and ambiance of the club environment, and how that meshes in conjunction with the entertainment options performing at the venue. District N9NE, a mid-size club in the heart of the city of brotherly love, turned to X-Laser USA for help…

10 Tips: Getting Started with Laser

10 Tips: Getting Started with Laser
Interested in laser effects for your lighting rig, attraction or DJ setup but don’t know where to start? Here are 10 tips to know if you’re considering bringing your lighting to the next level: