We're thrilled to offer the LaserCube Ultra 7.5W by Wicked Lasers, the most powerful LaserCube yet! We loved seeing the excitement the LaserCubes generated when we launched them in the U.S. in 2020, and the new Ultra models bring that to an entirely new level.

We care about your safety and we want every laser show to be safe and compliant.

With this in mind, we're excited to offer our new Laser Operator Course for free to everyone who buys the LaserCube Ultra 7.5W.

You MUST complete the course before your LaserCube ships. We'll enroll you in the course automatically using the email address you provide at checkout on our site. If you choose to buy your LaserCube Ultra 7.5W from a dealer, see question #3 for how this will work.

  1. Do I really need to complete the Laser Operator Course?

    • YES. We have a few reasons for adding this requirement; the main one being that laser safety is important to us, and educating others on laser safety is something we are passionate about. Also, because so many new laser enthusiasts are out there thanks to the LaserCube, we thought this course would benefit the broader community, too.

    • Your LaserCube Ultra 7.5W will not leave X-Laser HQ until we confirm that you have completed the course and pass the final exam with at least an 80% score.

  2. How do I make sure I'm enrolled in the Laser Operator Course?

    • After checkout, we automatically send an email to the email address you used at checkout on our online store. That email contains a link that will take you to the course program (hosted on a platform called Rise). Use the same email address you checked out with to make your Rise account and then complete the course.

  3. What if I purchase my LaserCube Ultra 7.5W from an X-Laser dealer?

    • Simply provide the dealer with your email address and we will enroll you in the course. We'll then confirm your course completion with your dealer order and you (and your LaserCube Ultra 7.5W) will be good to go.

    1. How long does the Laser Operator Course take?

      • The course takes about 60 minutes, including the final exam.

      1. How does X-Laser know that I completed the Laser Operator Course?

        • The Rise online learning platform keeps a record of everyone who completes the course, their final exam score, how long they spent taking the course and other relevant information.

        • After you complete the course and pass the final exam, you will automatically receive a personalized certificate of completion. The certificate of completion will arrive by email and it will contain a unique certificate number. You will not receive your completion certificate until you pass the final exam.

        1. What is a passing score for the final exam of the Laser Operator Course?

          • A grade of 80% is passing. That means answering 32 correct questions out of 40 on the final exam. You must pass the exam to officially complete the Laser Operator Course.

          1. How many tries do I get for the final exam of the Laser Operator Course?

            • If you don't pass the final exam the first time, you'll have three (3) chances to retry the final exam to gain course completion. Most people easily pass the final exam on their first try.

          2. What if I didn't purchase a LaserCube Ultra 7.5W (or purchased an Ultra 2.5W or an X-Laser system instead) but I still want to take the Laser Operator Course?

            • The Laser Operator Course will soon be available for general users. Keep an eye on our website and email marketing@x-laser.com with any questions.

          3. Is the Laser Operator Course required for the buyers of the LaserCube Ultra 2.5W?

            • No. But no matter which laser you have, we expect you to use it safely and responsibly.