Thanks for checking out XLERATE!
Here’s some information to help you get started.
Setting up a Virtual Laser Rig in XLERATE
In this video, we’ll look at setting up virtual laser fixtures to emulate real laser equipment and using XLERATE’s built in preview windows.
Connecting to Visualizers
If you need more realistic visualization, or want to visualize your laser effects alongside lighting, XLERATE is designed to work with visualizers including Capture, Depence, Realizzer, and WYSIWYG. We have step-by-step guides for each one below:
Learn more about Capture at https://www.capture.se/
Video coming soon!
Depence² uses the same previsualization protocol as Realizzer.
Learn more about Depence² at https://www.syncronorm.com/products/depence2/overview/
Learn more about Realizzer at http://www.realizzer.com/
Learn more about WYSIWYG at https://cast-soft.com/wysiwyg-lighting-design/
Network Setup
XLERATE connects to your control system and optional visualizers using Art-Net, and a selection of visualizer-specific network protocols. To learn more about general lighting network technology and setup, check out our Lighting Network Fundamentals video series.
Setting up a Loopback Adapter
You can usually use your computer’s existing network adapters to connect XLERATE with your control system and optional visualizer even when running all three on the same computer. In some cases, however, using a loopback adapter is easier and more reliable.
Note for Onyx users: As of Onyx version 4.2.1057, Onyx will only send Art-Net on an adapter set to a 2.x.x.x IP address and will not allow other applications to access that adapter. Installing a Loopback adapter is the best way to connect Onyx to another Art-Net application on the same PC.
Check out our instructions for installing and configuring a Loopback Adapter.
Rig Management
The latest addition to XLERATE’s capabilities is remote management of your real-life lighting rig using RDM via Art-Net. Check back soon or contact us for more tutorial content on XLERATE’s Rig Management capabilities.
Controlling XLERATE’s Virtual Lasers
Virtual Laser Fixtures in XLERATE emulate laser projectors equipped with X-Laser’s unique Mercury Laser control system, which is designed from the ground up to provide powerful control over laser effects directly from your lighting console. Because virtual lasers behave in exactly the same way as our real Mercury-equipped laser systems, you can refer to our existing collection of Mercury Tutorials and Guides.