Our friends from Stonewolf Studios provided the lasers for TEMPO by EAMOTION, a live entertainment production company focused on bringing immersive experiences to the public. Founders Erik Anderson and Gordon Droitcour of EAMOTION recognized early on in the pandemic shutdown that live entertainment was not going to quickly return to how it was before and decided to dive headfirst into figuring out how to continue putting on events with added safety measures.

With TEMPO, the creative team didn’t want people to be able to figure out what kind of event it was going to be until they arrived, and it was intended for all ages to enjoy. TEMPO was a drive-through course full of music and visuals inspired by MC Escher, Memphis Group, and Vaporwave. It took over 200 industry professionals to bring TEMPO to life, including Bobby Grey (lighting programming/design associate), Darien Koop (lighting programming), Mike Kluge (video content), Jonny Kingsbury (video content), Gordon Droitcour (video content), and Tyler Walker (musical director) as well as production support from Clair Audio, PRG, LMG Touring, 4 Wall Entertainment, Gallagher Staging & Productions, Premier Global Production, Live Stems, Morris Sound & Lights, Rogue Servers, X-Laser, Stonewolf Studios and Notan Creative.

We spoke with Dustin Derry from Stonewolf Studios about his experience with TEMPO as well. Adam Raugh from X-Laser connected Dustin with EAMOTION, who used all X-Laser Mercury units for TEMPO! Eight Skywriter HPX MF-20Ws were used on the Pyramid Top to create a 360 degree sheet over the entire show site, and sixteen Skywriter HPX MF-5Ws were used in the Laser Tunnel! Talk about a lot of watts!

There were many “best” parts about working on TEMPO for Dustin. In his words “this is one of the best teams I have ever worked with. For those who know me, I am often a one person show while handling Lighting, Lasers, and Projection. On this one I was able to focus solely on Lasers which was incredibly refreshing. Each team member is at the top of their game and it was amazing to be a part of. The pure laser nerd in me is ALWAYS the first time the lasers fire up and you see those beams appear. There is still work to be done, but you know you are one step closer to seeing your artwork unfold before your eyes. And finally, hearing the audience reactions. As part of our safety protocols we were stationed at various point around the show site for spotting and I spent most of my time in the area where the audience comes into the laser tunnel. Everyone is partying and having a great time and then there is this moment of 'WOAH!!! COOL!!!' and everybody sits back in their seats and look straight up.”

Stonewolf Studios is “more than just a lighting company or a laser company or a design company or a streaming company... we are all of these things and more. Stonewolf is dedicated to making our technology accessible to smaller companies who wouldn't otherwise have access to some of these tools we work. We love unique challenges and thrive on creating unique experiences with everyone we work with.” You can check them out at their website (https://www.stonewolf.com) or follow them on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StoneWolfStudios
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stonewolfstudiosinc/c
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/stonewolfstudios
The folks at EAMOTION are working hard to bring TEMPO and other new visual experiences to the Nashville area and beyond! If you’d like to stay up to date with them, you can sign up for their emailer on www.eamotion.com or follow them on social media:
Facebook: @eamotionlive
Instagram & Twitter: @eamotion_live
Big thanks to the EAMOTION team and Dustin Derry for answering our questions!